Saturday, March 7, 2015

How Technology Helps Me on My Job

Learners in the 20th century are adept to information and communications technology skills which allow them to learn whenever and wherever the circumstances permitted to.

As mentioned by M.C.Dumaya (2015) in her blog entitled Crossover, technology is now considered as men’s best friend which is particularly becoming true due to continuous flourishing of technology as it is made available to everybody through mobile technology.

As part of this era, teachers are expected to jive with these trends in order to be more flexible and fitting to the world of teaching especially in meeting the needs of the learners.

Through technology teachers were able to organize and facilitate learning especially in teaching lessons that pose hazards when observed in its natural setting.

With the use of technology, I was able to provide my students with relevant and updated information that are responsive to the trends in the real-world set-up which is one of the primary roles of education. 

As teachers, we have to let our learners discern what is real and what is trivial and lead them in drawing a picture of what it is alike after schooling.

Technology poses advantages for teachers but we cannot erase the fact that it has also risks for our learners that needs to be considered. 

It has provided me the hope of realizing what my job has entrusted me, which is to shape the future leaders of our nation, and at the same time, it has given me the anxiety that technology could also guide them to the exact opposite.

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